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Watch a video featuring our Financial & Risk business president David Craig
Our tools help researchers at The Michael J. Fox Foundation work towards a cure for Parkinson’s disease.
We reinforce the strong global legal foundation that is facilitating continuing growth for Nike, Inc.
At Lloyds Banking Group, our regulatory intelligence provides essential guidance to the bank’s compliance and risk group.
We make it easier for AGCO South America to navigate one of the world’s most complex tax environments.
In an industry where trust is everything, we’re part of investment firm Maxim Group’s toolkit for building informed advice.

Maxim Group provides investment banking, asset management, research, and sales and trading to corporate clients, institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals.
Maxim GroupAt boutique investment firm Maxim Group in New York, John Garrity directs the wealth management team, which oversees more than $2 billion in assets for individual and corporate investors. The firm is also home to a thriving capital markets business. For real-time news, securities pricing and other essential data, the Maxim team relies on building blocks such as Thomson ONE analytics and Thomson Reuters Autex. Equipped with these tools, Maxim is building enduring relationships based on trust with its clients—and providing guidance through today’s volatile and uncertain markets.
Through our Financial & Risk information and transactions solutions, Thomson Reuters supports more than 5,000 investment firms and hedge funds worldwide and over 780 global trading partners.
MillionOn average we distribute approximately 1.5 million price updates per second to the financial markets, with updates peaking around 2 million per second, and provide real-time and historical data from several hundred exchanges and OTC markets and hundreds of price contributors.
Million+We write more than one million market-moving news stories a year.

Maxim Group’s Capital Markets team interacts with a global network of asset managers, fund managers, hedge funds, pension funds and other institutions.

Maxim’s professionals rely on tools such as Thomson Reuters Autex to help them monitor market activity. Autex processes more than one million messages per day through a network of more than 750 buy-side institutions.